Has nearly 25 mountain ice and snow resorts in the world. How can Fosun Tourism Culture (01992) seize the opportunity under the ice and snow tourism fever?

the southern cold wave warning cold wind biting, the northern snowfall has been white snow, but the "cold economy" is releasing the "heat effect", ice and snow tourism is sweeping the country.


According to data from a number of third-party travel platforms, this year's "skiing"-related orders have increased several times. For example, according to flying pig data, the sales volume of ice and snow tour activities during the "double 12" period increased nearly three times compared with the same period last year. Where to go, since November, the number of ticket bookings for ski resorts across the country has increased by 147 compared with the same period in 2019. Ctrip data, since December, the number of orders for ski team tour products booked during New Year's Day and Spring Festival has increased by 6 times and 16 times compared with the same period last year.


ice and snow tourism is unstoppable. Various regions have launched ice and snow activity seasons, such as Harbin's ice and snow season, Jilin rime ice and snow festival and Hulunbuir ice and snow cultural sports tourism season. South indoor ski resorts have also exploded. The sales volume and pre-sale volume of many ski resorts hit a new high since 2019. However, the capital market is ready to move. Fosun Tourism Culture (01992), as the leader of ice and snow tourism, received funds to raise funds and surged by more than 11% on December 21.


Zhitong Financial APP learned that on December 20, Fosun Tourism Culture's Kiroro Grand Resort in Hokkaido, Japan, was officially opened, which is the only mountain destination in Asia that Club Med can offer spring skiing until May. In early November, the company's Taicang Alps International Resort in China opened, announcing the official opening of this one-stop ice and snow-themed high-end city resort.


the ice and snow resorts deployed around the world have opened one after another. With the advent of this wave of ice and snow tourism, Fosun Tourism Culture is ready to go all out to meet this huge market opportunity.


skiing boom, outbound travel urges global market feast


In recent years, ice and snow tourism has developed rapidly, especially since the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, the government has issued a series of policies to "drive 0.3 billion people to participate in ice and snow sports" and issued a series of policies to support ice and snow tourism and ice and snow sports. In the past five years, the total investment has exceeded 1.1 trillion yuan, which has promoted the development of the industry. 2021-2022 ice and snow season domestic ice and snow leisure tourism number exceeded 0.34 billion, tourism revenue reached 474 billion yuan, six-year compound growth rate of 15% and 12%, respectively.


Created on:2024-03-18 10:40